Are You Ready to Start a Business?
A short personal assessment tool.
Being your own boss is wonderfully exciting, but isn’t for everyone. Anyone considering starting a
business needs first to consider if they are suited for it, personally and professionally.
There is no right or wrong answer to each of these questions. This is a self evaluation to help you think
through critical aspects of your personal and business readiness to be self employed. It is designed to
help you assess your reasons and qualifications for going into business, to help you set personal and
business goals, consider if this is the right time to start a business, if you have the freedom, flexibility
and resources to start a business, to consider your health and stamina, and how you will balance family
and business.

It is recommended that you bring a completed version of this self assessment to your first
MI-SBDC counseling session. It will provide a profile of you and your readiness and help your counselor
become acquainted with you.
To self-assess, ask yourself the following questions and answer as honestly and in as much detail as
Know more Small Business, free download this book-click here
A short personal assessment tool.
Being your own boss is wonderfully exciting, but isn’t for everyone. Anyone considering starting a
business needs first to consider if they are suited for it, personally and professionally.
There is no right or wrong answer to each of these questions. This is a self evaluation to help you think
through critical aspects of your personal and business readiness to be self employed. It is designed to
help you assess your reasons and qualifications for going into business, to help you set personal and
business goals, consider if this is the right time to start a business, if you have the freedom, flexibility
and resources to start a business, to consider your health and stamina, and how you will balance family
and business.
It is recommended that you bring a completed version of this self assessment to your first
MI-SBDC counseling session. It will provide a profile of you and your readiness and help your counselor
become acquainted with you.
To self-assess, ask yourself the following questions and answer as honestly and in as much detail as
Know more Small Business, free download this book-click here
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